When you depend on a hearing aid to hear the world around you, few things are most frustrating than when they don't work like they are supposed to. Learn how to solve a few common problems that might be plaguing your hearing aids: Problem One: The Volume of Your Hearing Aids is Suddenly Too Weak If you suddenly find that the volume of your receiver in canal (RIC) hearing aids isn't loud enough, this can indicate that there is a problem with the dome of your hearing aid.
7 December 2017
Both over-the-counter and prescription medications often go through a rigorous development and testing schedule before they are ever released to the public, and many are approved by the FDA before they are put out for you to purchase. However, there are still some types of medications and supplements that have not been FDA-approved. If someone you know has had good results from a non-tested and approved medication or supplement, or if you have read good things about it online, you might be tempted to give it a try.
15 August 2017
If you experience shortness of breath every time you exercise, you may feel at a loss of what to do about your problem. According to the Mayo Clinic, shortness of breath, also known as dyspnea, makes you feel as though you're suffocating. You also experience a tightness in your chest that may cause you to panic. Although shortness of breath can occur as a result of a health condition like COPD, it can also happen when you engage in intense activities.
10 October 2016
Every year, more than 3 million children are bullied while at school. Is your child in this number? Unfortunately, bullying isn't something children are often eager to go tell school officials, or even their parents, about. For this reason, it's helpful when parents are able to recognize some of the signs that suggest a child is dealing with this issue. Doesn't Want To Attend School Most children associate the feelings they experience from bullying with school.
6 September 2016
If you decided you would like to lose some weight, and you have struggled in the past with sticking to a diet or exercise plan to obtain the results you desire, you may have some fear that you will once again give up on your endeavor after you start a new program. Having an accountability method in place before you start a new regimen may be helpful in keeping you motivated and on track with the tasks you need to do to lose those pounds.
23 August 2016
Many women find that ice hockey can be a great way to meet new friends and stay in shape. Because hockey is both a mentally and physically challenging game, a healthy mind and body are essential when it comes to ensuring you are successful on the ice. As you age, hormone deficiencies can start to take their toll on your hockey game. Here are three signs that it might be time to ask your doctor about hormone replacement therapy to help you get your hockey game (and the rest of your life, too) back on track.
10 June 2016
Bunions develop when the bones or tissue in the joint of the big toe move out of place. This often occurs to those whose spend long hours standing on their feet each day, participate in running or jumping sports frequently or wear high heeled shoes on a regular basis. Bunions can also be a hereditary condition. In the beginning, bunions may not be painful. However, over time, bunions can cause severe pain and discomfort in the feet if left untreated.
16 December 2015
Bunions are a serious problem that will definitely make you think twice about stepping out of bed in the morning and sliding on your shoes. These painful foot sores can make you seriously consider swapping out your shoes for flip flops and even avoiding having to walk further than just a few steps. The key to bunion treatment is to track down the initial cause of the problem. Here are five surprising reasons you may be dealing with bunions on your feet in the first place.
17 April 2015
Have you been experiencing back pain that has been continuing for a little too long? If so, then you might want to check out the various options that are available to you. This way, you will be able to resolve the issue as quickly as possible. So those who are not sure how a chiropractor can help, it may be worth it to take a look at the following things your chiropractic professional can do for you.
29 January 2015
Toe problems can range from mild annoyances to painful daily challenges. Two common toe conditions are fungal infections and hammertoe. Sometimes, adjustments to lifestyle can help prevent or alleviate pain or discomfort associated with toe conditions. Other remedies for fungal nail infections and hammertoe may more in-depth therapies, as recommended by medical professionals. Detecting Fungal Nail Infections Unpleasant in terms of how it looks and feels, fungal nail infections occur when fungus grows under, or into, the nail.
14 January 2015