Give Foot Pain The Boot: 3 Natural Ways To Reduce Foot Pain

Health & Medical Blog

Foot pain can really put a damper on things, especially if you're used to living an active lifestyle. Even if you're seeing a doctor for the problem, there may still be times when you just can't get up and do the things you want to do. You don't have to settle for being in pain. Luckily, there are some easy treatment options you can do right at home. These simple home remedies will help reduce the pain and inflammation associated with foot problems.

21 January 2015

A Woman's Guide to Vulvar Vestibulitis Syndrome (VVS)

Health & Medical Blog

If you have been diagnosed with vulvar vestibulitis syndrome (VVS), then you can greatly reduce your chronic pain by learning more about your condition. Since VVS can greatly interfere with your activities of everyday living, it is very important to understand its root cause and how to eliminate it. Symptoms of VVS The main symptoms of VVS are pain and swelling in the vaginal vestibule. The vaginal vestibule is located at the entrance to the vagina.

21 January 2015

Important Signs Your Toddler Needs A Vision Screening

Health & Medical Blog

If your child is entering preschool, they are at the age where you can start to detect serious vision impairment with a professional screening. Up to 10 percent of preschool aged children have vision problems, and an ignored or neglected impairment can lead to a lifetime of vision complications along with other issues. The vision screening that you get from a professional optometrist will be better than what your child gets at a pediatrician, and you'll want to have one completed at the preschool age.

16 January 2015

How Toe Problems Can Happen And Possible Treatments


Toe problems can range from mild annoyances to painful daily challenges. Two common toe conditions are fungal infections and hammertoe. Sometimes, adjustments to lifestyle can help prevent or alleviate pain or discomfort associated with toe conditions. Other remedies for fungal nail infections and hammertoe may more in-depth therapies, as recommended by medical professionals.  Detecting Fungal Nail Infections Unpleasant in terms of how it looks and feels, fungal nail infections occur when fungus grows under, or into, the nail.

14 January 2015

Your Knee Joint Pain: Diagnosis And Treatment

Health & Medical Blog

When you have knee joint pain, it can make even the most minute daily activities painful and uncomfortable. Learn what to expect when it comes to diagnosing and treating your pain so you can be prepared when you go into your doctor's office. Physical examination Your doctor will want to physically examine your knee to check for swelling, inflammation, redness, deformity, and other damage to your knee so they can help determine what is causing your joint pain.

12 January 2015

Why In-Home Nursing Care Makes Sense

Health & Medical Blog

In home nursing care offers a desirable alternative to in-patient hospital and nursing home care. Such care can run the gamut from helping a patient recover from a wound or from surgery, helping with physical therapy, after treatment care as with cancer patients, health and diet education as with newly-diagnosed diabetics, and monitoring and making sure that the patient takes all of his or her medications correctly and on time.

10 January 2015

Abnormal Heart Murmur: How It Can Affect Your Health & What A Cardiologist Can Do To Help

Health & Medical Blog

Are you experiencing a lot of pain in your chest? You may want to visit a cardiologist to get the problem diagnosed to make sure you are not suffering from an abnormal heart murmur. Learn how an abnormal heart murmur can affect your health and what a cardiologist can do about it. How Can an Abnormal Heart Murmur Affect Health? A heart murmur is not always something that you should worry about, as it simply refers to the sound of blood passing through heart valves.

9 January 2015

The Advantages Of Contact Lenses


Contact lenses are an easy and invisible alternative to eyeglasses that allow you to see clearly while appearing to wear nothing at all. When you are examining options to correct your poor vision, understanding the advantages of contact lenses over glasses allows you to make an educated decision. The Advantages of Contact Lenses Contact lenses offer a number of key benefits over regular eyeglasses: Better Peripheral Vision: Glasses have a gap on the peripherals where the lenses are not in your field of vision, meaning that you cannot see as well out of the corner of your eye.

8 January 2015

Potential Problems With Keeping Your Wisdom Teeth

Health & Medical Blog

When your wisdom teeth come in during early adulthood, you may be considering leaving them be instead of having them surgically removed. Wisdom teeth can actually cause a handful of problems if left in your mouth, especially if the teeth are impacted, meaning they are growing sideways and will eventually grow into other teeth in your mouth. Consider having your wisdom teeth removed to avoid these potential problems. Pericoronitis The inflammation of your gums that surround your impacted wisdom teeth is known as pericoronitis.

7 January 2015