Amp Up Your Workout With An Energy Supplement Or Mineral Water

Health & Medical Blog

If you work out regularly, you may find that you reach a plateau from time to time, when you don't seem to be gaining muscle mass or stamina. Rather, you seem to be staying in the same place from a fitness perspective. Adding an energy supplement or mineral water may help you get over that hump and continue to progress toward your fitness goals. Energy Supplements According to the Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, a study showed that college-age men who were accustomed to resistance training were able to do more repetitions of resistance training when they consumed an energy drink ten minutes prior to exercising.

3 April 2015

3 Tips For Safely Applying Glaucoma Eye Drop Medication For Newly Diagnosed Patients

Health & Medical Blog

If your ophthalmologist has prescribed eye drop medication for your recently diagnosed glaucoma, then there are some simple things you can do to make their application safer and more effective for treating your eye disease. Here are three tips to help you more safely and effectively use your new medication: Tip 1: Keep the Dropper Tip from Touching Your Eye or Finger If the dropper tip touches your eye or hands, then it can become contaminated by the natural bacteria from your body.

24 March 2015

What Is A Compounding Pharmacy?

Health & Medical Blog

When someone has unique prescription needs, they will need to get their medications prepared in a special pharmacy called a compounding pharmacy. These needs typically include what is not available with commercial prescription drugs, such as needing liquid of a drug that is usually only available in tablets. The pharmacist and pharmacy must be licensed to do compounding, since it is not something everyone in the pharmacy field is trained for.

9 March 2015

Young Children And Hearing Aids: Tips And Tricks For Keeping Them In

Health & Medical Blog

Discovering your young child has auditory problems can be scary and stressful for parents.  Aside from dealing with the normal issues that come with a toddler or preschooler, you are also tasked with a new set of obstacles.  If your child has an auditory problem, they are likely to need to wear hearing aids.  Getting a young child to keep a hearing aid in can be a challenge.  Here are some stress free tips on how to get your little one to leave their hearing aids alone.

25 February 2015

3 Things You Should Know About Root Canals

Dentist Blog

A root canal is something that can help you salvage your tooth and relieve the pain you have as a result of a bacterial infection that has infiltrated the innermost layer of a tooth, or the pulp. While root canals are common procedures, many people believe a number of myths circulating about the procedure. Here are a few things you need to know about root canals. Cavities Aren't the Only Cause

17 February 2015

Dental Implants: What To Do When Your Jaw Still Hurts A Month Or More After Surgery

Health & Medical Blog

Dental implants do an excellent job of perfecting your smile and filling in gaps that might otherwise be embarrassing. Most people rarely experience any discomfort after the first month. If you still feel pain, especially intense, throbbing or sporadic pain or pain accompanied by swelling of your jaw, return to your dentist right away. It could be caused by one of the following problems. A Fractured Jaw In rare instances, pain and swelling of your jaw and face after dental implant surgery is indicative of a fractured jaw.

10 February 2015

Identifying And Coping With Infant Jaundice

Health & Medical Blog

Jaundice can occur when babies have a high level of a substance known as bilirubin in their blood. Bilirubin causes yellowing of the skin and eyes in infants. Bilirubin is processed by the liver and is produced when red blood cells are broken down. Newborns do not have livers that are well developed, so they cannot process bilirubin very quickly and the result is usually, a yellowing of the skin and eyes, known as jaundice.

5 February 2015

Allergies Making You Feel Bad? 3 Ways You Can Deal With Them

Health & Medical Blog

If you suffer from allergies, they are likely much worse in the spring. This is because pollen is increased in trees, flowers and other plants are opening up, and more.  You may also have problems in the fall due to dust mites, ragweed pollen, etc. You also may have some food allergies. No matter the type, below are three things you can do to help you deal with them: See Your Doctor

3 February 2015

How Chiropractors Can Help With Your Back Pain


Have you been experiencing back pain that has been continuing for a little too long? If so, then you might want to check out the various options that are available to you. This way, you will be able to resolve the issue as quickly as possible. So those who are not sure how a chiropractor can help, it may be worth it to take a look at the following things your chiropractic professional can do for you.

29 January 2015

Lactose Intolerant? Fight Hip Pain With Calcium-Fortified Tofu

Health & Medical Blog

Calcium and several other nutrients can fight or stop a host of bone and muscle problems, including hip pain and swollen hip muscles. You usually get these essential nutrients from milk and other dairy products. But what if you can't drink milk or eat products containing milk because you're lactose intolerant? Your lactose intolerance can trigger hip and muscle pain. Instead of suffering, here's what you can do to ease your hip problems until you see a bone specialist for care.

27 January 2015