3 Foot Care Tips For Athletes

Health & Medical Blog

Proper foot care is important for everyone, but when you're an athlete, you're at especially high risk of injuries to your feet. In many cases, these injuries are completely avoidable with proper precautions and training. Take a look at some tips that will help you take proper care of your feet so that you can continue to pursue your passions on the field, court, or ring. Choose the Right Shoes

13 April 2016

Three Things Your Optometrist Will Be Able To Spot During An Exam

Health & Medical Blog

If you somehow have never had a full eye exam, you may have already heard that you need to go because the exam will contain special tests that check for signs of macular degeneration, glaucoma, and other problems that aren't always obvious in their early stages. But there are more conditions that the eye exam can spot, and some but not all of these are eye-related. Here are three such conditions.

12 April 2016

Are You Suffering From Hearing Loss? Understanding This Common Ailment

Health & Medical Blog

Many people do not realize just how common hearing loss is in the United States and all over the world today. In fact, the vast majority still believe many misconceptions about hearing loss and hearing aids that can prevent them from getting the care and help that they need. Get to know more about the truth about hearing loss as well as hearing aids so that you can better determine if you need to see an audiologist or ear, nose, and throat specialist at a place like County Hearing And Balance for testing and treatment.

17 March 2016

Does A Bee Actually Die After It Stings You?

Health & Medical Blog

Chances are pretty good you've heard or read that a bee can only sting you one time because it dies afterwards. If you have been stung by a bee, chances are also pretty good you found a tiny bit of happiness in the fact that the bee died after it stung you. The question is – have you ever wondered whether or not that statement was actually true? Do bees really die after they sting you?

2 March 2016

Common Mistakes With Condom Use That Every Young Adult Should Know

Health & Medical Blog

Condoms have long been a popular choice for contraception, and their mainstream status leads some new users to wrongly assume that they already know all of the right steps for proper usage. The truth is, there are many common mistakes made when using condoms, some of which put you at risk of pregnancy while others put you at risk of disease transmission. Here are a few of the common condom mistakes you should avoid.

1 March 2016

How Running Blades Can Benefit Children

Health & Medical Blog

Although the most memorable sight of people wearing running blades is when they participate in the Olympics or Paralympics, these prosthetic devices can make a significant difference in the lives of children. Some young patients lost one or more limbs at an age when they were not yet proficient at walking, much less running. Giving them these blades allows them to be more active, and, as a result, happier and better adjusted.

29 February 2016

3 Ways To Enhance Your Weight Loss Efforts

Health & Medical Blog

When you are trying to lose weight, the basic idea of eating less and exercising more is not always enough. There are ways to enhance the effectiveness of your weight loss strategy and achieve long-term results. Take A Multivitamin If you are not currently taking a multivitamin, the addition could improve your weight loss efforts. When your body is lacking in certain nutrients, it can be difficult to stick to a healthy diet and have enough energy to increase your activity.

29 February 2016

When Your Hip Snaps: Understanding Snapping Hip Syndrome And How It's Treated

Health & Medical Blog

Snapping hip syndrome often begins with the feeling of a snapping or popping sensation in your hip. The sensation is typically felt when you get up from a sitting position or when you are walking. It can also be noticeable when you swing your legs in a certain direction. More annoying than painful for most sufferers, snapping hip syndrome can still interfere with your daily activities, especially if you are an active individual.

22 February 2016

Signs Of Memory Problems & Healthful Tips To Maintain It

Health & Medical Blog

Memory allows you to revisit fond moments or remember day-to-day tasks, which is why maintaining your memory is important. The following guide will help protect your memory. And you'll learn about some early warning signs to watch out for. Early Signs Of Memory Issues Memory problems usually occur as you age; in fact, statistics show that memory loss issues start to take effect at the age of 65. Look for some of the following signs just to be safe:

22 February 2016

4 Things You Need to Know about Skin Tags

Health & Medical Blog

Skin tags, also known as acrochordons, are benign tumors that develop on your skin. Here are four things you need to know about skin tags. What do skin tags look like? Skin tags are generally skin-colored, though they can sometimes be hyperpigmented (darker than your skin). These soft tumors can range in size from two to six millimeters and are often seen on the neck, in the armpits, or around the groin.

4 February 2016