Aspects of Spinal Rehab

Health & Medical Blog

Not sure what the next step is after a spinal cord injury? Spinal rehab can help you get back on track. 

What Is Spinal Rehab?

After getting a spinal cord injury, spinal rehab is what most doctors will recommend, helping you get back on your feet and reach your full potential. Spinal rehab will usually be assisted by a physical therapist or PT.  Spinal cord injuries are very dangerous injuries, one that should not be ignored. Spinal rehab may sound a bit extreme, but it's exactly what anyone with a spinal injury needs. Your PT will have to utilize a method called FAME to assist in creating your rehab treatment plan. 

Depending on the severity of the injury, your rehab plan may also include assistance from an occupational therapist or OT. Your OT will be there to help you manage the changes your injury may have caused in your life and offer solutions to make managing them easier for you and your family.

What Is FAME?

FAME is a method used by health professionals to decide whether or not spinal rehab is in the best interest of their clients. FAME stands for the following:

  • Feasibility: Deciding whether spinal rehab is practicable.
  • Appropriateness: Deciding whether spinal rehab will provide the result you're looking for. 
  • Meaningfulness: Deciding whether the result provided is what you're looking for.
  • Effectiveness/Economic Evidence: Researching whether spinal rehab working for other people in the client's position. Is the cost worth it?

The FAME method doesn't only get utilized in spinal rehab determination, but it is a great base for deciding if spinal rehab is in your best interest.

Physical Therapist's Role in Spinal Rehab

There is a wide variety of exercises completed during spinal rehab with your PT. Those exercises include aerobics, mobility exercises, strength exercises, coordination exercises, and stretching. All exercises should be catered to you and your ability to perform them by your PT. Always remember that relaxation is also an important part of any healing process, the same going for anyone undergoing spinal rehab.

Occupational Therapist's Role in Spinal Rehab

Your OT will assist you in learning how to live with your injury if it can't fully heal. They will introduce new technology to you to help make your life easier. Some of the things your OT may introduce include wheelchairs, spinal brace, bathroom tools, driving tools, lifts, and remote controls for lights, phones, etc in the home.

Other Aspects to Spinal Rehab

A spinal injury can result in large life changes. Your doctors, PT, and OT will help you cope as much as they are able along the way. However, they may not be correctly equipped to help you cope mentally. There are other methods used as part of your spinal rehab to try to cope with depression or anxiety that can oftentimes come along with a spinal injury. Those methods can include one-on-one talk therapy, music therapy, group talk therapy, and art therapy.

Spinal rehab may seem like a long and daunting process, but always remember it's your best chance at recovering from any spinal injuries.


24 May 2021

Hype up Your Hearing

I knew that my hearing wasn’t as good as it had once been, but I was still upset when my doctor told me that I had a significant hearing loss in both ears, and that I was going to need hearing aids if I wanted to participate more fully in my day to day life. But then I started researching hearing aids. I was thrilled to find out that there were small, barely visible aids that could help me hear without marking me as hearing impaired on first glance. Even better, the hearing aids were much more advanced than I’d thought. The ones that I chose can actually help cancel out environmental noise, like the clatter of a loud restaurant, so that I can focus on conversation with the waitress or the person across the table. My hearing aids have really improved my life.